If you are looking for PostgraduateInformation, you are at the right place.


The Institute of Health and Community Medicine offers both M.Sc. and Ph.D. postgraduate degree programs by research. Potential applying students are encouraged to email directly IHCM academic staff to further discuss the proposed research project. The research project will generally be in one of the niche research areas of the institute. Candidates undertaking these programs must be self-motivated, proactive and have a high degree of commitment and passion towards their field of study.

What is Research Programme?

A research programme refers to a graduate programme that is wholly research-based. The student is assigned to an experienced member of the academic staff as a supervisor or to a supervisory panel. A panel is made up of graduate staff and experts from either within or outside the University.

The academic progress of research students is evaluated two times a year through progress reports. The degree is examined through the presentation of a thesis and a viva voce examination. A student who has satisfied the Graduate Studies Committee in all aspects of their work is eligible for the award of the degree.

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